Be The Hero_ian-schneider-TamMbr4okv4-unsplash

Be The Hero

Managers have a multi-faceted job that requires a variety of skills, not the least of which is creativity. One of the jobs of a manager is to bring new ideas to the table so that his or her superiors can decide whether or not to implement them. It can be tricky, and even intimidating, trying to convince your superiors that your idea could be good for the company. But there are some things you can do to help your boss understand why your idea can take the company to the next level.

Explain the Benefits

As clearly as you can, communicate how your idea benefits the company. Use charts & graphs if needed. If there is no benefit, your boss won’t have an interest in implementing your idea. Be articulate and do your research. Bad communicating can kill an idea.


Show Your Passion

Showing a passion for your idea will help your superiors get excited about it also. It’s hard to get excited about an idea when it’s being pitched in a robotic, monotone presentation. This is your opportunity to be a coach to your boss, helping him or her to see something that might not be immediately apparent. 


A Bad Idea Might Not Be Bad

Don’t withhold an idea just because you think it will be perceived as a bad one. Some of the best outcomes have started with seemingly bad ideas. The first guy to suggest moving from print newspaper to online newspaper started a global and lucrative movement, but this might not have sounded like the best idea in the early 90’s.


In the IT/software industry, many ideas come and go. As a manager, don’t let the idea of nearshoring slip through your bosses fingers. Show them the benefits of outsourcing to a relatively local region without the headaches of offshoring to the other side of the globe. Be the hero that takes your company to the next level.

Check out for more information.

Something Significant Happened This Year_jefferson-santos-9SoCnyQmkzI-unsplash

Something Significant Happened This Year

Tech salaries are, as we all know, increasing. And, like the blood pressure measurements in a coaches meeting before the Super Bowl, there is no telling how high it will go. In February of this year, Amazon increased the base salary for its tech staff from $160k per year to $350k. Todd Bishop at GreekWire wrote that Amazon’s decision to more than double the base salary will have a “likely impact on other companies and their employees.” 


Amazon’s prior base salary had been significantly lower than that of Facebook & Google. This helped to offset the high salaries of Amazon’s peers and keep the overall market for tech talent in check. Amazon’s move will inflame the inflationary increase in salaries that we have already seen, but perhaps another effect will be that it will help companies overcome the so-called “Great Resignation” due to the incentive of an even higher average salary. Nevertheless, it’s never been more important for smaller companies, particularly start-ups, to get creative with their efficiency. If there is anything that can be outsourced, it’s worth looking into it. Because the reality is that most outsourcing companies will usually be able to do the job cheaper and better.

Click here for more information.

The Times, They Are A Changin’_shane-4993XnXQKHY-unsplash

The times, they are a changin’

Let’s face it! Our world is a vastly different place than it was just a year ago. Inflation has always been a factor in the business model of any given company, but this year it has become one of the biggest factors. And relief is not expected anytime soon. Kiplinger predicts that inflation will peak this summer, but they also predict that it will remain as high as 8% through the end of the year. 

As salaries increase in this environment, it is incumbent upon companies to compensate for this added expense in creative ways. There are many ways to accomplish this, from analyzing employee efficiency to implementing technological improvements and everything in between. One strategy that must not be overlooked is the use of alternative resources. 

Is your business set up to utilize talent south of the border? What needs to be done to position your company to adapt to nearshoring? How much value can nearshoring bring to your business? These are questions that should be asked by the decision maker that wants to thrive during times like these.

Learn more about the benefits of nearshoring.


Employee Retention The Key To Business Success_pexels-fauxels-3184286

Employee retention: the key to business success

Employee retention is not merely a metric that alerts the HR department to take action when indicators are bad. Rather, it can be a competitive advantage and key differentiator for companies who pay close attention to it.

The true costs of employee turnover

The cost of employee turnover is incredibly high. Large U.S. businesses lose at least $1 trillion each year due to voluntary employee turnover, much of which, according to exiting workers, their managers or organizations could have prevented.

Gallup’s research shows that the cost to replace an employee can range from one-half to two times the employee’s annual salary.

The reason is that every time you have to replace an employee, it has an impact on operational costs, revenue, productivity, company culture, and customer experience, all of which end up compromising the company’s growth and profit.

So, having understood the scope of the impact of employee retention on an organization. How much should be invested to improve employee turnover?


The business success path

This is where an organization has the option to take different paths; from creating & implementing a budget, especially for this strategy, to partnering with companies that have already implemented a talent retention strategy to hire new resources at no extra cost to you. 

Whatever strategy you prefer, it is crucial to understand the importance of taking action. 

While creating a successful employee retention strategy may take a fair amount of effort, organizations that put in place the strategies, tools, and processes necessary to retain their best talent know that it’s a worthwhile effort that pays off.

On the other hand, organizations that don’t focus on employee retention and reducing turnover can suffer significant consequences.

Not only in terms of the hard costs associated with finding, hiring, onboarding, and training replacements, but also in terms of lost productivity and knowledge, impact on customer and employee experiences and reputations, lower morale, and weaker corporate culture.


Nearshore Strategy based on Talent Retention

During the more than 9 years we have been providing Nearshore services, our main objective as a company is to separate ourselves from our competitors through our high talent retention rates.

Our holistic approach allows our employees to have good benefits and a work-life balance and has helped us achieve the goal. 

Find out more about how we can do the same for your company. Schedule a call with our experts.

The New IT Outsourcing Industry Scenario_pexels-fauxels-3182782

The new IT outsourcing industry scenario

The challenges of IT outsourcing in the face of the political conflict between Ukraine and Russia.

Disruptions caused by the conflict endanger organizations that outsource IT support to Ukraine. Unfortunately, there have been communication blackouts that threaten security and productivity. Additionally, reduced operational capacity can mean fewer bug fixes, less customer support, and fewer security patches. These will force organizations to go back to the blackboard, devise contingency plans and, if possible, find a way to continue with their Ukrainian service providers but at the same time protect against interruptions.

The reality is that it’s not just about quickly switching providers to fill the gap. Switching IT vendors takes months of planning and discussion, and usually can’t be done in the blink of an eye.

For that reason, in the short term, organizations have to act fast and take simple actions like monitoring the situation 24/7 to mitigate immediate risk, as well as more complex actions like preparing for the cyber risk presented by the conflict or reviewing the “force majeure” clause in all contracts to analyze the risks if the execution is hindered, delayed or prevented in the event of war.

In the longer term, business leaders should establish new relationships with different outsourcing providers. Some factors to consider before taking any decisions are the following:

  • Partner with IT service providers with a convenient geographic presence and solid business continuity or expansion plans, avoiding over-reliance on one country.

In this sense, Nearshore service providers with a presence in Latin America have a great advantage since they give you the possibility of having resources in North American countries with Mexico, Central America, and South America, thus allowing you to not be pigeonholed in a single region. Another benefit of having a team in Latin America is the possibility of working in the same or a similar time zone, which allows you to increase productivity and improve communication between teams.

  • Establish network, application, database, and platform security measures that include firewalls and intrusion detection/prevention systems that identify and block unauthorized activity with continuous monitoring for malicious activity and policy violations.

In the face of uncertainty, companies must remain flexible to change and generate strategies to stay afloat. However, today more than ever we must keep our values in mind and never ignore the human suffering that is taking place in Ukraine in the name of “The Business”.

If you’re in need of outsourcing support, temporary or long-term, we’re here to help with amazing Software Engineers in Latin America ready to join your team. Go to our Talent Portal to find out amazing candidates or get in touch with us to receive personal support.

Top 5 Trends Leading Digital Transformation In 2022_pexels-lukas-574071

Top 5 trends leading digital transformation in 2022

When the pandemic forced the global closure of offices, business leaders were understandably nervous. What followed changed the meaning of what we knew as the ‘workplace’, completely & permanently transforming employees’ expectations of their digital experiences at work.

Using automation initiatives to create better-connected employee experiences

The future of work will come in many shapes and forms. McKinsey estimates that more than 20% of the global workforce could work remotely, most of the time without any impact on productivity. To achieve this transition, organizations need to accelerate their digital transformation. This is not just about driving employee productivity, but also retaining talent.

Making data and integration accessible to business users to increase productivity, deliver connected experiences, and drive innovation

Organizations will need to think carefully about how they drive enhanced agility, which will lead to a new era of event‐driven architectures and composable businesses in 2022.

Adopting Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in some form

​​With hyper-automation, organizations can drive efficiencies, improve productivity, and reduce costs in everything via the reuse of processes and the deployment of multiple, integrated technology capabilities — such as low‐code platforms, machine learning, and robotic process automation. 

Security-by-default is a must‐have, but you already knew this

Security concerns have always been an obstacle to digital initiatives. Examples of secure-by-default platforms include those that do not allow users to create weak passwords or those that automatically conform to best practices of OAuth-based authentication. According to Forrester, 21% of security decision‐makers plan to prioritize building security into development processes.

Data‐driven business

It is all about using the insights derived from AI‐powered analytics to transform business processes. According to Accenture, true data‐driven organizations experience annual growth of over 30%. It is all about managing data from start to finish, from ingestion and integration, right down to the analysis and decisions it drives. This comprehensive strategy will be the key to unlocking business data and empowering all users to add value to the organization.

As business leaders, we have encountered new challenges and opportunities, such as hyper-automation, hybrid experiences, distributed environments, and an explosion of data. The transformation and digital acceleration defined by the past couple of years are resoundingly here to stay. Therefore we all agree that the ability to create seamless digital experiences for both employees and customers is key to the success of modern organizations.

Learn how we can add value to your business today here.


Desarrollo de software en empresas nacionales vs internacionales

¿Cuál es la mejor opción de trabajo?

En el mundo del desarrollo de software para empresas, es relativamente “fácil” (a diferencia de otras industrias) encontrar trabajo en empresas internacionales. 

Esta es una ventaja ya que el abanico de posibilidades es más grande y las fronteras geográficas no te limitan de encontrar la empresa adecuada, sin embargo, en todo trabajo existen ventajas y desventajas.

En el caso de las empresas nacionales vs internacionales existen diferencias que se reflejan en los beneficios, posibilidades de expansión internacional, sueldos, puestos o bonos que pueden  ofrecer, pero cabe destacar que tal como lo hemos mencionado previamente, ninguna es mejor que otra, lo importante son las prioridades y metas que tenga cada trabajador. 

Dicho esto, estas son algunas de las diferencias que podemos encontrar al colaborar en una empresa nacional vs una internacional.

En la empresa multinacional:

  • Los ejecutivos pueden llegar a ganas 25% más.
  • Tienen una atractiva estructura de bonos.
  • Apoyo a la formación a través de financiamiento de diplomados, MBAs o cursos de idiomas.
  • 60% más de probabilidades de internacionalizar su carrera profesional.
  • Empleos remotos que te permiten mayor libertad.


En la empresa nacional: 

  • Se puede llegar a un puesto corporativo 15% más rápido.
  • Mayor cercania con los tomadores de decisión.
  • Ofrecen beneficios basados en las leyes del país. 

Haz un análisis de tus prioridades personales y considera estos factores antes de tomar cualquier decisión.

¿Estas en busca de oportunidades de empleo? Echa un vistazo a nuestras vacantes aquí.

¿La Empresa De Desarrollo De Software En La Que Quieres Trabajar Cuenta Con Variedad En Sus Servicios_mailchimp-04X1Yp9hNH8-unsplash

¿La empresa de desarrollo de software en la que quieres trabajar cuenta con variedad en sus servicios?

Contar con variedad de productos o servicios puede ser un gran reto para una empresa de desarrollo de Software, sin embargo es un factor muy importante para lograr el éxito debido a que esta estrategia permite aumentar los ingresos de la empresa y reducir los índices de rotación, lo cual se traduce en estabilidad y rentabilidad. 

Y no hay nada más atractivo que trabajar en una empresa que cuente con ambas características.

Señales de crecimiento continuo y constante en una empresa de desarrollo de software

¿Cuánto tiempo lleva la empresa en el mercado? ¿Quiénes son sus competidores? ¿Qué opiniones existen? ¿Qué tan amplia es su cartera de clientes? …

Estas son algunas de las preguntas que te pueden ayudar a identificar si la empresa ha crecido desde su inicio hasta la actualidad y cuál ha sido su impacto tanto en el mercado como en la sociedad en la que se encuentra, porque recuerda que una empresa exitosa no solo consiste en producir ingresos, también influye el tipo de valores que promueve y las acciones que implementa para crear cambios positivos a su alrededor, como generar empleos con condiciones dignas y salarios justos.

Descubre nuestras vacantes.


Mejora Y Actualización Continua En La Industria De SaaS_startae-team-7tXA8xwe4W4-unsplash

Mejora y Actualización Continua en la industria de SaaS

Una empresa de servicios de Software exitosa escucha lo que sus clientes tienen qué decir, para mejorar y actualizar continuamente su producto con la finalidad de que cada vez sea mejor y de mayor calidad.

Escuchar al cliente permite a la empresa eliminar funciones innecesarias o realizar modificaciones que agilicen los procesos y mejoren la experiencia de uso.

Pon atención e investiga lo que los clientes actuales y antiguos dicen de la empresa, te dará una idea de donde está parada.

Una empresa de desarrollo de Software exitosa invierte en su gente

¿Alguna vez has escuchado a alguien quejarse porque lleva años desempeñando el mismo puesto de trabajo y que no ha tenido la oportunidad de crecer profesionalmente por falta de actualización?

Existen muchas empresas que al darse cuenta de que necesitan actualizarse en cierta área en lugar de invertir en capacitaciones, cursos, etc. para el equipo que ya tienen, prefieren contratar a alguien externo. 

Si bien esta no es una decisión errónea, la realidad es que cuando las empresas eligen esta vía, le quitan la oportunidad de crecer a los colaboradores que ya son parte de la empresa, lo cual limita sus oportunidades y a la larga puede generar cierta falta de compromiso o fidelidad, en pocas palabras: un alto nivel de rotación. 

En cambio cuando una empresa se preocupa por capacitar y actualizar constantemente a sus colaboradores, ambos ganan, debido a que generan oportunidades dentro de la empresa, ahorran y se genera un sentimiento de lealtad y confianza entre el trabajador y la empresa y viceversa.

¿Estas en busca de una empresa dónde crecer profesionalmente?

Conoce nuestras vacantes disponibles